Sunday, March 29, 2015



A poem about mindfulness inspired by Ancient Greek Wisdom

The illusions of my true phantasy
Reflect in the mirror of my vanity
Igniting the desires of my awareness
To arrive at the door of my mindfulness

For mindfulness balances my inner measures
Completing my total perishable wholeness
Driving my cells and atoms, daily, to total death
Giving my whole human existence a new re-birth

Mindfulness makes me cry every day
Sensing the instance of my dire necessity
For my emotions run me to the ground
Waiting for the seeds of happiness to abound

Oh! Dear mindfulness, come forward
Bring the elements of my life toward
Elevate my mind to highest consciousness
Let my soul enter the serene valley of awareness

Always remembering the following wise sayings of the ancient Greeks:
Anaximander: ‘What is infinite is something other than the elements, and from it the elements arise’;
Aristotle: ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’;
Democritus: ‘In truth there are only atoms and the void’;
Epicurus: ‘The art of living well and the art of dying well are one’;
Protagoras: ‘Man is the measure of all things’;
Pyrrho: ‘By suspending judgement, one can attain a quiet and peaceful mind’; and
Socrates: ‘All I know is that I know nothing’.

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