Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Call to the Master

A Call to the Master

A poem about God inspired by Ancient Greek Wisdom

I’m hiding behind transient simplicity

Searching for ways to find tranquility

To get to God’s land of serene symmetry

To reach the final milestone of harmony


Please don’t call on me when it’s light

Wait for the little hours of the long night

When the dawn makes my aura so bright

Bringing me divine energy and might


For then I will be the fearless knight

Kind, loveable, enviable and upright

Clad with humility and peaceful arms

Preaching the Lord’s powerful charms


His words make me the sweet little boy

So kind, good and full of spiritual joy

With no great fuss and bouts of worry

Singing lovely hymns to His eternal glory


Oh! Lord, my one and only Master

My creator and benevolent Father

To You I utter in silent perpetuity

The true echoes of my human trinity


Oh! God, to your altar I always offer

My thoughts of love in every prayer

To You I call and request continuously

To absolute my soul from materialistic captivity


Always remembering two wise ancient Greek sayings:

‘God humbles the arrogant and elevates the humble’ by Diogenes Laertius; and

‘Divinity is beauty, wisdom, goodness and everything that is the same with these’

by Plato.

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